Saturday, October 24, 2009

Get a Voki now!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Netbooks in the classroom Small Package,big Idea

figure out your need and see if it fits. dont jump from on to another application.
Netbooks in the class.
If you can get a laptop for the same price,,, get a laptop..bigger screen.
battery life is 6-10 hours
keyboards are suited for smaller hands
plenty of connectionss
no cd driive
1:1 computing tool
audacity looks like photoshop
built in camera and mic
can useweb cam as a camera
web cam takes videos as well

Students that are not strong writers like a computer
a book review can be written, an audio, or a video
story writing can be the same after it is story boarded.
podcasts are 1-2 minute discussions of a topic. Can take the place of a powerpoint.
wikispaces-students can collaboratively participate in research and knowledgemaanageent
Threaded discussions, moodles, onle conversations.
Ning-build a networking site about a topic on a given area
digital citizenship needs to be stressed concept mapping

what a netbook does not do
dont log on to a domain unless tweaked
online service space is needed
some have a messenger to see other netbook users
How are kids going to save their work?
no cd drive 1:1 using linux open
microphones pick up background noise

the freesound project

NHEON Grants
ready to embark on a whole school transformation
What does that mean from what is happening now. What is the role of principal? Infrastructure? Bandwidth?
1;1 scenario in 3 classrooms
major change in the way instruction is carried out and the tools in the kids handTeacher Laptop & Productivity Tools
?Presentation Device -Interactive Whiteboard, LCD, or Plasma TV
?Projector (if needed, depends on presentation device)
?Learner Response Devices -for Formative Assessment & Individualized Instruction
?Document Camera
?Digital Camera
?Video Camera
?Robust Software & Digital Content
?Professional Development on Technology Functionalitys.
Based Upon Location and Curricular Goals
?Mobile Learning Lab or Centralized Computing Stations to create 1:1 ratios of students to digital devices
?Webcam for Teacher Computer
?Flashdrivesfor each Student
?Audio System
?Courseware and Content Aligned to Standards and Curricular goals
?Safe and Secure Communication & Community Building Tools with Web 2.0 Functionality for Teacher and Administrator Cadres as well as Home/School Connections
?Formative Assessment for Individualization of Learning
Enthusiastic and informed leadership
?Internet safety training
?Progressively open access
?Changes in AUP and other policy documents
?Significant online & blended learning
?Ongoing professional development and support
?Significant formative and summative efforts
?Ongoing connections to research
?Engaged students
?Community support

The Connected CLassroom and creative commons
you can make a clssroom folder
The Networked Student video on YouTube
google scholar on notworthy topics for classes
blogs reflect opinions not facts
create your own blog
audio and video podcasts
access to college courses
skype to find experts
RSS reader
teacher;learnig archetetc
change agent
learning concierage

Social Bookmarking
Delicious cbrophy
publish powerpoints and videos
Beyond Favorites-social bookmarking
an application that takes words or tagd to mske sn imsge to create a text

start as a whole class not individual students
download the plugin for threaded comments
add other classes to your blogroll and create links to follow
add URL to website box this will hyperlink their name back to your blog is a wiki webtools4u2use

219VoicesWiki from her highschool

Voicethread upload content like a drawing and invite other people to comment on through audio
or text
cell phones
hand held mobil technology
the future of education on youtube iTouch iSchool apps
iSchool initiatative on facbook

1:1 open source netbooks

$408 per netbook last year
changes daily rolling cart with little bins
working on linux and or print by IP
color print out arent great
find a slinux person
can not access normal window files
21 netbooks per electrical circuit
4.5 hours battery
plug in inbetween classes lunch and recess.
timers are pricey
put flashdrives into the grant
flashdives donated by bank and parents
moodle could be the storage place
solid state drive
8 or 16 gb
smart notebook software
google apps
various online sites
OO Add in on lab computers
lots of linux trainig
david trask

Student excitement
peer to peer learning
internet safety guidelines
agreement signed specifically for netbooks
technology survey for parents and students
securityand filters
keep them in class not on a cart
kids do not have a problem with open source
headphones are needed for audio work
have a website available for parents
make sure the computer has a lot of usb drives free version books to read free version limited it reads aloud and highlights also has a recording option
appeals to all reading styles
textbook online
graphing tools
text online
virtual field trips
pose question on the netbook
videos camers

web 2.0 continued

ib filmclass
use twitter and facebook to share info
tweeting is handled by many kids. they are called bhsunleashed... the name of the newspaper.
twitter in theclass... limit the number of people with access to passwords to0 tweet appropriately. advisors over see the tweets. journalism is changing.. .these are tools to know when you go to college.
information is very up to date.

web 2.0 presentation at SERESC

web 2.0 presentation
Nichole Tomaselli Bedford high integrator.

Prezzi free presentation
skyped with teachers
blogging with a teacher using Nickel and Dimed
with IB film class
videos and assignments posted on the wiki
keeps everything organized
is visual nad public. Students can access it anywhere collaborative

Saturday, September 26, 2009


A nifty web 2.0 tool that allows you to create electronic posters.
Fodey's Newspaper Clip Generator
By Alma Row

Getting students to write can be a struggle at times, but Fodey?s Newspaper Clip Generator is a great solution for enticing reluctant writers. After completing the online template for a newspaper name, date, article heading and the text of the article, students click the Generate button and the site renders what looks like an authentic newspaper clipping. To save the jpg, click the link below the picture (not on the picture itself). They clip looks so real that it even fooled a few colleagues of mine!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

a wiki that has how to's for many web2.0 apps

Monday, August 10, 2009

Monday, July 6, 2009

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Literacy intsruction with Terry Goff

Literacy information
ability to identify and understand
kids are digital natives
teachers are afraid of technology
reading components
phonemic awareness
making connections
online interactive dictionaries
hyperlinking to online sites
reflections using blogs
  • Questioning
provide word activities with comments
Who am I activity to use before and after reading
  • Inferring
students create visual clues for conclusions or predictions

  • Determining Importance
concept mapping using word or Inspiration
Use text enhancements(highlighting/changing the color of the words)

  • Summarizing/synthesizing
multimedia presentations wiki/podcast/publisher/audacity

top 10 tech strategies
talking books
spelling and grammar checkers
threaded discussions
tracking systems motivate students
enhanced text
talking texts (readplease)

MS Word differentiates instructional strategies
more engaging
text in smaller chunks
built in dictionaries
links to other things

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sunday, March 22, 2009


"to inspire in others a desire to change for the better is truly noble; but this you can do only by leaving them alone, and then becoming more noble yourself."

Monday, March 2, 2009

Thank you

Two words that make you feel good when someone says them to you and make you and someone else fell good when you say it to them.
Rememberto say it many time a day.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


If you are not happy... nobody is going to make you happy.

"Happiness depends upon ourselves"
Aristotle 384-322BC

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Moving toward magnificance

I would like to think that even when the chips are down I am moving toward magnificance

Friday, February 27, 2009

Welcome to my thoughts

I like to think positive thoughts. Right now I am reading The Secret Daily Teachings by Rhonda Byrne. I am on day 5. "Look for the gifts in anything".
Everything that happens to us good or bad is a learning experience. What we get from a bad experience can only make us learn from it.
Sometimes it is hard to see what we are to learn from a bad situation.

On the second day, I wrote 100 things that I am grateful for. It took awhile but I enjoyed doing it. I went all the way back to my childhood on that one.